Our Mission

Enjoy investing and build wealth. Simple, Transparent and Goal-based

Investing money and building wealth is essential, but often appears complex and in-transparent. Financial markets are noisy and random by nature in the short term. It is difficult to make sense and understand markets and find a clear long-term investment strategy. Many financial products offered in the marketplace are not geared towards the real needs and don't match client long-term investment targets. We cut the noise.


Focus on your investment goals


Provide you with simple, yet efficient investment solutions


We show you what is best practice and state-of-the-art. Build wealth like the smartest and wealthiest investors do, based on professional, proven foundations. Use skill, not luck, with an investment strategy that does not rely on trading nor market timing. Invest transparently and simple better.

Simple can be harder than complex. But it's worth it in the end,
because once you get there, you can move mountains

Steve Jobs

Our Key Principles


Our investment framework is Simple, yet modern and state-of-the-art. Financial markets are complex by nature. In order to succeed with your investment strategy it is important to focus on a few key principles and be rigid in implementing those consistently over time. Read more

Transparency is important, since it does not only help you understand what you are doing, but it also means that you can maneuver through challenging and volatile markets without loosing confidence in what you do. Compare this to driving a car. As a driver you need to understand what controls your speed, acceleration and slowdown.


Goal-based investing is at the heart of what we do. Its means that we are maximizing the probability of reaching a defined investment target, rather than simply maximizing your return or minimizing your portfolio risk. We do this by matching your individual risk-comfort-zone, i.e. the risk-profile that you feel comfortable with.

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”  

Benjamin Franklin

Investments made simple

Interested? See how we can help you to simply invest better

We take you through journey of goal-based wealth creation. We filter noise of seemingly complex financial markets and focus on what is most important to achieve your goals. Hence we


Provide a simple, yet state-of-the-art investment framework and a range of tools that help
building your personal wealth


Set a new standard with globally diversified multi asset benchmark portfolios.
Portfolios, that allow you to track and compare performance in an efficient way, and
which serve as core investment building blocks


Introduce People-like-me.
Example investors, that you can follow on their way of reaching specific investment goals


Follow us and enjoy investing. Investing should be fun and outcome-oriented.

Build wealth

We help you building wealth using a state-of-the-art investment plan. Don't get lost in complexity of financial markets and invest using proven foundations. Read more...

Benchmark Portfolios

Use our diversified global Benchmark portfolios to transparently compare your investment performance and further as simple, scalable building blocks for your investment plan. Read more...


Follow People-like-me, investors who are facing similar challenges and investment problems. You can follow our investors to see how investing should work. Read more...